Matt's K & N conical
filter charger mod on his '94 Crown
Vic. Looks awesome & probably works 100% better than stock (except
in the summer with the HOT underhood air going in there)! Matt got the
components from a '96 Mustang GT. Check the specs & pics below.
Click on any of the small pictures to see large 640 x 480 with arrows
& comments on top.
Specs: I used the base plate that
came with the filter. It replaces the entire Crown Victoria air box in the
engine compartment and there is no silencer. This cone filter growls
under hard acceleration. The mounting holes which attach to the mustang mass
air flow housing are filled with silicone. I used the Crown Vic mass air
flow gasket to mark new holes on the base plate, drilled then tapped with
1/4-20 stainless hex bolts and loctite 222. I used one of the brackets that
came with the filter to hold the assy in place. The results are almost
identical to removing the panel filter and leaving the lid off the air box.
For About $80.00 it was well worth it. Matt.

Basic K & N filter set-up

Mounting / hardware details

Fender mounting details
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